5:04 PM

Books Giveaway! (I mean like 150+ book giveaway!)
So.. eh it has been a long time huh? Sorry for that! Got no excuse for not updating the blog for like a year except that I'm lazy. Blame the blogger's new look for disappearing the widgets on the sidebar, and I was tempted try it. And then.... I'm just sick of it and forgot to backup the old template. Let's just say I have no desire to post after that. Gah!
But, this is not the time to talk about that. This is the time to talk about this crazy giveaways that hosted by Krystal and Rachel at Krystal's Blog, Live to Read. Both of them will give 50 books for only TWO lucky ladies at the end of the giveaway. And for two months only, June and July, there will be a special guest author giving away signed books. Meaning, in total everyone has 60 chances to win! Isn't it just crazy?