15 January 2012
Title: Transcendence 
Author: Savage7289
Rated: M
Status: WIP (Work in Progress)  

Summary: Ehd doesn't know how the woman ended up in his pit trap, he just knows he wants to protect her and provide for her in any way he can. She sure does make a lot of noises with her mouth, though. Caveward is born!

My Review:  
I love this fic! At first, I was a little skeptical about this caveman idea. I think it will be boring and it doesn't make me interested, at all. But now, I'm glad I've gave this story a shot!

Ehd is really innocent, sweet, and protective. He protect Bella- or Beh in this story - even he thinks Beh is strange because Beh is from the future. This fic is light and fun, so far, there's no big angst in this fic. But, we'll see. Because this is Savage, she writes things that make you speechless!  

I can't say more. Because it will give too much spoiler. So go read it and find out what will happen to Ehd and Beh!